
Maximize Reach via Publisher Grouping

Jun 21, 2017
Written by Carissa Payne

Publisher Groups allow you to organize publishers into categories or segments within your affiliate program. For example, you can build groups based on performance, business model, and even promotional methods. Everyday tasks, from pushing program terms and assigning links, to pulling reporting and sending email campaigns, can be made easier by utilizing publisher groups.

Grouping can be an effective tool in managing your publisher base. Your publishers cannot see your group names or know what groups they are in. Because publishers can be in more than one group at a time, you can create as many groups as you need to effectively run your program.

Creating Groups

Creating a new Publisher Group can be done in a flash:

  1. Navigate to “Publishers” > “Groups” and click the “Create Publisher Group” button
  2. Give your group a name
  3. Click “Save” and your group is ready to add publishers

For more information on creating and editing groups in the CJ Account Manager, check out the Publisher Groups Support Center page.

Segment Communications

Maximize the use of Publisher Groups by customizing email campaigns by publisher promotional method:

  • For weekly or monthly promotions, send your “Promotional” group regularly scheduled email campaigns with the promotional information and links.
  • Send your “Content” group bi-weekly email campaigns highlighting new product launches and bestseller copy points.

Customizing and segmenting your email campaigns ensures your publishers receive the content they will most likely promote, rather than a one-size fits all communication. Read more about Newsletters and Email Campaigns in the CJ Support Center.

Assign Links to Groups

Another strategy you can implement through Publisher Groups is assigning special links that only publishers within a specific group can use:

  • Create promotional codes that only a small group of publishers can promote.
  • Test promotional messaging by assigning one version of a link to one group, and a different version to another group.  Be sure to communicate to your publishers that you are trying to test the links so they can assist you in the test where possible.  
  • Create custom links for different Publisher Groups to promote based on their business model or promotional method.

Read more about Limiting Link Access to Publishers in this CJ Support Center Article.

Use Groups for Activation and Optimization Campaigns

Grouping publishers based on performance can help you efficiently run an activation campaign one quarter, and coordinate a few performance incentive optimization campaigns with those same groups the next quarter. In addition to sending targeted activation or optimization messaging via email campaigns to your publisher groups, you can also push program terms and assign links, making it much easier to execute these types of campaigns. And since you can pull reporting based on publisher groups, running your post-mortem analysis will be a breeze!

Publisher groups enable you to send targeted communications, make creating links and pushing program terms more organized, and allows for quick and easy reporting—ultimately leading to growth in your affiliate program.

For more information about the topics covered in this post, visit our CJ Support Center. To view, please first log in to your CJ Account Manager:

Topics: CJ 101, Optimization
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