Best Practices

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Take Your Affiliate Strategy on the Road this Summer

As the weather heats up and millions of people in the northern hemisphere head out of town for their summer plans, it’s more important than ever for brands to stay close to customers on the go. A whopping 60% of all ecommerce sales occurred on...
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How Marketers Can Flourish this Spring with Top Promotional Tips

Spring has sprung in the Northern Hemisphere at last…more sunshine! Birds are chirping! Flowers are blooming! What’s even more exciting is the fact ...

Get Ahead of Tax Season: A Top Category in Q1 & Q2

Tax services is one of the hottest advertiser categories in Q1 with the start of the 2023 tax filing season hitting at the end of January. Think this ...

Here’s How CJ Stacks Up in Martech Record’s 2023 Platform Buyer’s Guide

Selecting an affiliate marketing platform is a critical decision for marketers—the challenge lies in making the right choice. Luckily, Martech ...

Seeing a Drop in Affiliate Revenue in GA4? Here's Why

CJ has been made aware of significant changes in the revenue assigned to various channels within Google Analytics (“GA”), caused by Google’s planned ...

How to Share Affiliate Links on Social Media

As social media continues to evolve and new platforms rise and fall, policies and posting methods are constantly shifting. You may be wondering where ...

CJ's Account Numbers, Explained

CJ is a partnership ecosystem where thousands of publishers and brands engage billions of consumers worldwide—and we’re growing bigger every day! ...

Our Pro Guide to Affiliate Promotions

Ahhhh, there’s nothing better than the feeling of getting the best price! And a large number of consumers agree—according to the results of a recent ...

The 5 Keys to a Successful Prospecting Email Campaign

Email is the granddaddy of the digital marketing world. Labeled with (and rightly so!) a bad reputation from the ‘spammers’ of the past, email ...

Publisher Models and How to Work Together

Different publishers excel at different promotional strategies, and new publishers gain popularity with changing industry trends. Looking to ...

Understanding CJ’s Publisher Payment Cycle

As a member of the Support Team at CJ, I often receive questions from publishers about payment status or how to know when you should expect to ...

Maximizing Affiliate ROI

Managing ROI is a common focus for many advertisers. Luckily, CJ offers a variety of tools to help you determine and manage these targets for your ...

Apr 4, 2022
How to Craft an Attractive Affiliate Program Description

The CJ network is an expansive ecosystem that’s constantly growing and evolving, offering both advertisers and publishers countless opportunities for ...

Mar 7, 2022
Spring Break, Here We Come! How Marketers Can Make the Most of Peak Travel Booking

Travel booking trends typically curve upward from January and peak in early August. However, a key booking period that often gets overlooked is from ...

How to Run a Successful Activation Campaign

Activation campaigns are used to encourage newly joined publishers to begin brand promotions and breathe new life into seasoned or inactive ...

Win the Holiday Shopping Season with These Q4 Specific Publishers

What’s in a name? For these publishers, quite literally the key to Q4 shopping. The partners are focused on promoting brands during peak days or ...

The Tech You Should Be Using to Maximize Your Affiliate Program

Preparation is the foundation for success, especially heading into the Q4 shopping season. In this article, we’ll tap into CJ tech, tools, and ...

Get Serious about Singles' Day in 2021

What started as a fun tradition among college students in Nanjing, China in the 90s has grown into the largest ecommerce day of the year. Singles’ ...

Countdown to November and Beyond

Puffy vests, tall boots, pumpkin spice, and everything nice. All signs point to the start of Q4—we’re officially in spooky season and on our way to ...

Google Update: Tag Links as Sponsored to Optimize Organic Search Rankings

Google recently made updates to help ensure the quality of their search results by preventing link spam from damaging the search experience for ...

Craft the Perfect Investment Proposal & Get Brands to Say “Yes!”

No matter the quarter, it's always peak season for somebody somewhere—meaning endless opportunities for affiliate publishers looking to create ...

Q4 in India: Making the Most of Festivals and Holiday Shopping Events

It all started with a big boom, but not the cosmic kind. The boom we’re talking about is the one that digitized India back in 2015. The Digital India ...

Optimizing with Publishers Based on Performance

You’ve heard us talk a lot about the importance of optimizing with your publishers—and there are so many ways to go about it. In this article, we’ll ...

Aug 18, 2021
Preventing, Identifying, & Taking Action Against Fraud

We’re on a mission to make sure that everyone in the CJ community has a fruitful and positive experience—and part of that is preventing and ...

Jul 7, 2021
Spring Cleaning in CJ: The Home Edit Edition

Much like spring cleaning, you can declutter, organize, and optimize your CJ account to make it easier to run your program and set yourself up for ...

May 6, 2021
Five Areas to Innovate Your Affiliate Program

A lot goes into managing an affiliate program and the opportunities for growth can feel endless. To zoom in on the best ways to move the needle, we ...

7 Steps to Create a Plan for a Successful 2021

We made it! It’s finally 2021, and with a new year, comes new opportunities to grow and develop your affiliate program. Cultivate a winning approach ...

How to Put Your Best Foot Forward & Gain New Finance Partners

Due to intense regulations in the financial industry, financial advertisers are known to be very selective when it comes to adding publishers to ...

Advertiser Growth Checklist: Build, Optimize, & Maintain Your Program

It’s hard to reach new heights if you don’t hold yourself accountable to an action plan. Luckily, we’ve done the work for you this time with our ...

Tap into New Revenue Through Global Shopping Events in 2021

The new year brings new opportunities to expand your growth internationally and reach new customers. Whether you’re a publisher looking for ways to ...

Make the Most of Your One Bio Link with Linktree

Many of the largest social networks like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snap allow influencers only one link in their profile bios. For influencers ...

Here's How to Optimize Your Affiliate Program for Growth This Q4

In order for your affiliate program to reach its full potential during an important shopping season like Q4, it’s crucial that it’s attractive to ...

Oct 14, 2020
A Closer Look at Coupon & Deal Publishers

Coupon and deal publishers make up a large proportion of the affiliate space, but the label comes with some baggage—a common misconception is that ...

Your Questions About Recruitment, Answered

In a year when business growth is more important than ever before, recruiting new publishers into your affiliate program is a no-brainer. We truly ...

How to Identify the Right Influencer Partners

Choosing an influencer to collaborate with goes far beyond the number of followers they have on social media. A certain level of time, research, and ...

Behind the Scenes with the Team that Keeps the CJ Network Fraud-Free

We tend to make a lot of analogies to describe CJ's Network Quality team: they're network watchdogs, the internet police, or affiliate detectives. ...

May 7, 2020
Making the Case for Affiliate

Industry experts weigh in on how best to make the case for affiliate. What’s the best way to talk about the affiliate channel and your role as an ...

Mar 10, 2020
Dive Deeper into Program Performance with Insights

CJ's Insights reporting dashboard displays your program data in a way that makes it easy to recognize trends and identify the partners, time frames, ...

Jan 16, 2020
2020 Global Holiday and Retail Event Calendar: Must Know Dates

It's the start of a new year, and optimism and ambition is at an all time high. We all want to be better, do more, and approach the plans for our ...

Your Holiday 2019 Resource Guide

We may be in the thick of Q4, but it's not too late to glean more insights that could put the finishing touches on your holiday strategy. So we ...

2019 Holiday Calendar: Must-Know Dates & Strategies

As the holidays approach, professional and personal to-do lists get longer, and time seems to get shorter. To help keep you organized as we head into ...

Get Q4 Ready in 3 Simple Steps

Well, here we go again—we blinked and suddenly it’s November. Things are really heating up around here (maybe it’s all the layers?) and the holidays ...

Nov 4, 2019
Five Reasons Influencers Turn Down Campaign Work

This article highlights five reasons influencers turn down campaign work — with input directly from influencers about common mistakes and blockers ...

KonMari Your CJ Account: Advertiser Edition

Did a spritely Japanese woman recently re-teach you how to fold all of your clothes? Well, the wisdom of Marie Kondo extends far beyond your closet. ...

May 2, 2019
The Price is Right: Setting Rates for Sponsored Content in Affiliate

We know that every content creator’s dream is to get paid to craft creative and meaningful partnerships with brands. Fortunately, affiliate marketing ...

KonMari Your CJ Account: Publisher Edition

You've spent the last few months "tidying up" your closet, bookshelves, garage, and who you follow on social media (yep, that's a thing) so...what's ...

Mar 25, 2019
Hello China! Easily Tap into the World’s Largest eCommerce Market

CJ can help you leverage your current US affiliate marketing and ecommerce tools to facilitate Chinese cross-border shopping. According to eMarketer, ...

Feb 19, 2019
3 Tips for Maximizing Revenue with Travelers

To learn how affiliate marketers can best convert the increased interest in travel purchasing during Q1, CJ Affiliate turned to Sarah Bundy at the ...

Jan 21, 2019
Key Tactics for a Holiday Season That Will Keep on Giving

A review of last year’s affiliate shopping trends and what they mean for holiday 2018. One of the best guides to anticipate what will work for this ...

Oct 10, 2018
How to Execute a Successful Q4 Strategy

You’ve determined your Q4 strategy through promotional planning, historical analysis, and account review by reading our article, How to Plan a ...

Oct 10, 2018
How to Plan a Successful Q4 Strategy

Q4 can be a busy time of year, as affiliate managers hustle to schedule and coordinate brand and site promotions as well as ensure they meet program ...

Oct 9, 2018
CJ’s Approach to In-App, Cookieless, and Cross-Device Tracking

Tracking affiliate engagement, influence, and transactions across both mobile and web environments is essential for a holistic understanding of true ...

Making the Most of CJ's Shopping Feed Format

A comprehensive product feed, also known as a product catalog, can enable opportunities between advertisers and publishers across all levels and ...

The Science of Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing remains a hot button topic. But what does it all mean for you and affiliate? I’m a gamer off hours; there’s nothing I love more ...

Ready Yourself for Affiliate

Before jumping into affiliate, it’s important to assess what you’ll need to bring to the table. Many publishers dive in and expect quick results, but ...

Dec 8, 2017
Maximize Your Participation in Free Shipping Day

As one of Q4’s largest shopping events, Free Shipping Day is a cost-effective means of driving last-minute holiday sales and boosting brand presence. ...

Nov 3, 2017
Best Practices for Communicating with Publishers

Recently, we shared the top reasons an advertiser would want to reach out to their publishers, like sharing program, company, and promotional ...

Jul 28, 2017
Potential Program Growth—Just a Call Away

Proper communication with your publishers is key to managing a successful affiliate program. But where do you start? This is a common question we ...

Jul 14, 2017
5 Reasons for Publisher Outreach

The affiliate space is an exceptionally relationship-oriented industry, and thus communication is key for any successful affiliate program. A common ...

Jul 12, 2017
Craft Your Cross-Device Strategy

Since launch on May 24, we’ve shared a lot about what Cross-Device is, how it works, and why it’s valuable to you. But now that you’re informed on ...

Jun 28, 2017
Maximize Reach via Publisher Grouping

Publisher Groups allow you to organize publishers into categories or segments within your affiliate program. For example, you can build groups based ...

How to Best Survey Your Publisher Base

A key to growing your affiliate program is to understand how to communicate successfully with your publishers, and finding what works best to convert ...

CJ Affiliate Spotlight Interview on GroupHigh

Recently, our Senior Director of Publisher Development, Sarah Crosby, sat down with influencer marketing blog and software provider, GroupHigh. In ...

Jun 6, 2017
CJAM: Tell a Story with Your Data

Here at CJ, we have no shortage of data. Everything you need to know about your consumers is flowing through our system, the CJ Account Manager ...

Jun 2, 2017
CJ Affiliate's APIs: 5 Things You Should Know

Recently, one of our publishers said to me, “I didn’t know that your APIs at CJ did that!” After speaking with some other clients, it became clear ...

CJ Account Manager: Top-Notch Tactical Tips

Here at CJ Affiliate, we’re passionate about a number of critical things: how we can move the affiliate industry forward, enable client success, and ...

Feb 2, 2017
Boxing Day Packs a Punch

The end of the year is full of retail shopping days that we plan for in a big way, all the way up to Christmas Day. Yet generations of UK and ...

Nov 16, 2016
4 Steps to Take Your Affiliate Program Global

Developing an international publisher base and “Going Global” is always a topic of conversation within the affiliate channel. Although many ...

CJ Offers More Reasons to Celebrate—and Sell!

Now that we're well into Q4, are you ready to celebrate the holidays? If you're like me, you're ready to gobble down that turkey on November 24! But ...

Oct 26, 2016
Holiday 2016: The Year of Experiential Gifting

According to our 2016 Holiday Intelligence Report, shoppers this holiday season will likely dedicate more of their holiday spend to gifts of ...

Oct 23, 2016
Expand Your Reach: Diversify Publisher Base [Part 3]

*You must be logged into the CJ Account Manager Support Center for the links in this article to be active. To recap from Part 1 and Part 2, we ...

Oct 19, 2016
Expand Your Reach: Diversify Publisher Base [Part 2]

*You must be logged into the CJ Account Manager Support Center for the links in this article to be active. We're back again with two more affiliate ...

Expand Your Reach: Diversify Publisher Base [Part 1]

*You must be logged into the CJ Account Manager Support Center for the links in this article to be active. Publisher diversification strategies can ...

How to Develop a Successful Payout Structure

Note: You must be logged into the CJ Account Manager Support Center for the links in this article to be active. A great way to motivate publishers to ...

Sep 28, 2016
Publisher Tricks & Treats: Get Ready for Halloween

October is almost here and with it comes the beginning of the holiday season; fall leaves lead to pumpkin flavored everything, which spills over into ...

VIP Influencer Campaigns: Affiliate and Beyond

In a survey fielded to 6,000 content creators, 1,200 consumers, and 150 top brand markets, 31 percent of respondents found blogs to be the online ...

Publishers: Are You Ready for Q4?

Here at CJ Affiliate, we are always preparing for Q4. One great way to do this is to run an activation campaign in Q3 to ensure that you are ...

Tap into Growth of Mobile Sales [Part 1]

In this, the first of a three-part blog series, CJ Affiliate's Strategic Insights Director, Sandrine Thompson, will present forward-thinking ...

Jun 21, 2016
Going Global with Affiliate

There are a few ways to go about international expansion within the affiliate channel. Which route to take is dependent on a few variables based on ...

A Marriage in Marketing: Content and Affiliate

In the last few years there has been an influx of bloggers making their way into the affiliate arena. Why? Bloggers and influencers have more of an ...

Disclosures: What You Need to Know

Affiliate marketing isn't just about helping advertisers and publishers, it's also about helping consumers find the products and services they want. ...

Reaching Millennials Across the Globe

The CJ Affiliate network is composed of publishers in nearly all the populated regions of the world; and millennials are one of the largest ...

Introducing Affiliate Customer Insights

We're pleased to announce the launch of our most advanced service offering yet: Affiliate Customer Insights. Originally unveiled in September of ...

May 10, 2016
2016 PMAs - CJ Affiliate Wins Again

We are honored to announce that CJ Affiliate by Conversant won two 2016 Performance Marketing Awards at the April 26 ceremony in London. After being ...

ViewThrough Tracking Gets a Makeover

CJ is pleased to announce enhancements to our ViewThrough tracking technology, which allows advertisers to commission publishers on an ad impression ...

Apr 20, 2016
CJ Affiliate Solves the Correction File Crisis

One of our primary goals at CJ Affiliate is to make your affiliate marketing journey as smooth as possible. Often times, affiliate managers find that ...

Advertiser Onboarding Just Got Easier

There's a lot to think about when you're setting up your CJ account. There's technical integration, your network profile, program terms, and more. Of ...

Spring into Affiliate

Springtime is fast approaching, and whether you're already easing into warmer weather on the west coast or still waiting for that heat wave to hit ...

2016 Affiliate Marketing Trends

Drawing from findings by CJ's Strategic Insights Director Sandrine Thompson, see how trends in the areas of mobile, global, audience, and content ...

Keeping Track of Affiliate Tracking

As a new year starts it's easy to be so focused on rolling out new campaigns that you forget all about your affiliate tracking code. If your account ...

Scouting Advertisers for a Successful Season

As a member of the Publisher Development team, I am always searching for new advertisers to recommend to publishers. Like a baseball scout looking to ...

Feb 9, 2016
Valentine’s Day Sales Spike Just Around the Corner

With Valentine's Day less than two weeks away, shoppers are just about ready to finalize their buying decisions. Last year's data suggests that sales ...

CJ Affiliate Holiday Season Highlights

All the lights are down, Christmas trees composted, and decorations put away. The holidays may be over, but I gathered some great insights from the ...

Publisher Success: Where to Focus New Year Efforts

While some find relief that the hustle and bustle of the holidays has passed, others recognize that the New Year marks the start of another important ...

What Holiday Fallout? It’s a New Year!

Feeling the holiday fallout yet? While the fourth quarter is a huge driver for many affiliates, the winter doldrums offer creative opportunities to ...

Advertisers: Want to Lower Your CPA?

Are you constantly tasked with lowering your cost per action (CPA) while also maintaining or exceeding revenue goals? This can be very frustrating, ...

Jan 17, 2016
Trademark Bidding at its Best [Interview Part II]

In follow up to part one of this series, we continue our interview with Tim Katlic, Head of Marketing at, as he discusses best practices ...

Trademark Bidding at its Best [Interview Part I]

Here at CJ Affiliate we continue to seek growth in the trademark bidding sector. For those not yet familiar with the practice, trademark bidding is ...

Get the Most Out of Client Support

We’ve all been there—completely confused and looking for a quick resolution. We follow our impulse to immediately call the 800 number or send an ...

Jan 4, 2016
Resurgence of the Rolodex

The Rolodex was once a marketer’s most prized possession. It represented a career-long accumulation of connections and relationships. This desktop ...

Dec 15, 2015
Cutting Through the Q4 Clutter

With Q4 madness right around the corner, it's important to find a way to make your brand—and your holiday promotions—stand out. As an advertiser, ...

Nov 5, 2015
Everybody Benefits from Singles Day! [Interview]

Black Friday and Cyber Monday aren't the only shopping holidays coming up this month. The recently identified "Singles Day", taking place on 11/11 ...

Earn More with CJ’s Placements Marketplace

If you're reading this, you've likely experienced the long and arduous process of either searching for paid placement opportunities or, as a ...

Increase Holiday Sales Post Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Don’t think holiday shopping means serious affiliate business? Think again. Last week comScore reported that Black Friday sales topped $1 billion for ...

Nov 26, 2012
Advertisers & Agencies
Expand Your Brand’s Reach

Achieve sustained growth and reach your target audience. Work with world-class publishers and influencers to successfully promote brand products and services.

Publishers & Influencers
Partner with the World’s Best Brands

Earn seamlessly by partnering with the world’s most widely recognized brands, promoting products and services your audience enjoy. Engage with brands you know and love all in one place.