
What Holiday Fallout? It’s a New Year!

Jan 20, 2016
Written by Lindsey K.

Feeling the holiday fallout yet? While the fourth quarter is a huge driver for many affiliates, the winter doldrums offer creative opportunities to keep readers (and consumers) enthused—and revenue flowing, too!

In the quiet days at the start of the year, many consumers take time to consider what they'd like to change or add to their daily lives, offering both publishers and advertisers the opportunity to feature new ideas to engaged readers without the clutter of coupons and the urgency of shipping deadlines.

While we all make New Year's resolutions, there are creative ways both brands and publishers can leverage consumer behavior to think beyond the resolution and provide meaningful content throughout the winter months. Keep commissions flowing in Q1 with these handy tips:

Publishers, think outside the box and consider adding subscriptions to your mix of winter promotions:

  • Over 33 percent of US consumers resolve to lose weight or otherwise improve personal health each year. Bulu Box offers subscriptions (month to month, 3, 6, and 12 month plans) customized to focus on weight loss, sports nutrition, supplements, snacks, and even sleep and mood health. Daily Burn provides daily workouts and a nutrition plan on any device, at any time.

  • Some folks are specifically determined to eat healthier and/or reduce "eating out" expenses. Check out meal and snack subscription services like Hello Fresh and Graze or broaden your palate with delicious delicacies from Mouth and Try the World.

  • Consumers can update their wardrobe with StitchFix, an advertiser that provides subscribers with monthly selections based on customized profiles and gives them the option to keep what they love and send back what might not be the best fit. Carefully leveraged, consumers might even save money and better adhere to a budget when a steady flow of quality apparel is delivered on a regular basis.

Advertisers, be open minded when considering publishers you may not typically work with

A blog on frugal living might be a great fit for a subscription service or White Sale promotion—or even engagement rings! A travel site might drive quality credit card applications or post rave reviews of camping products. Leverage the CJ Account Manager to identify publishers in colder climates, who can help eradicate on-sale winter inventory. Alternatively, target southern states when new spring inventory is available.

As we enter February and March, and most US consumers finish and file their taxes, remember to position offers with the appeal of impending tax returns. Super Bowl parties require new flat screen TVs (as well as furniture and flatware!), and many photography and technology manufacturers release new models this time of year. Spring cleaning leads to vacuum and appliance purchases, and cabin fever paired with a tax refund means more flight and hotel bookings.

This winter, resolve to capitalize on creativity and seasonality—and watch the sales and commissions roll in!


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