Why display one product when you can showcase several?
What is a Widget?
A widget is a slideshow, collage or grid that allows a publisher to enhance the display of products from joined advertisers on their site. Collages and grids are excellent for grouping complimentary products. Slideshows will allow several different products to be displayed in one IAB unit
Widget Options
The slideshow widget option allows you to easily create rotating displays of products in standard IAB unit sizes. It’s a great way to compliment your site with relevant product ads that convert and influence customers. Once your slideshow is created, you are able to change products in and out of the slideshow via the Widgets tab.
A Collage is an exciting blank canvas on which you can create any type of display that allows users to showcase how products look together in an aesthetically pleasing format. Highlight a Fall collection from your favorite advertiser, show different items from your favorite sports teams together or show an array of different electronic products. Mix and match products in ways that a single product ad cannot. It is your opportunity to have fun and be creative with your products as you are on your website.
Create a whole new page, take over half a page or tab on your website to showcase as many products as you wish. Grids can be customized to many sizes and can rotate if you wish. Once your product display grid is created, you are able to change products in and out of the slideshow via the Widgets tab.
Log in to the CJ Account Manager to get started with Product Widgets!
The Fine Print
- You must be joined to an Advertiser's program to add their products to a widget.
- Product search from within the Widgets tab searches products from joined Advertisers only.
- You may search for products from non-joined Advertisers from the Links/Products tab. You can apply to join an Advertiser directly from the Links/Products tab.
- You can create collections which are groups of products for easy access to create your widgets. You may create any number of collections for the Links/Products tab.
- You can add products to a widget from any number of collections or product searches.
- You are able to manually or automatically remove deleted/out of stock products from your widget.
- You may not change the size of your widget once you have saved.
- You can clone an existing widget in order to re-size and customize.
- Changing/Updating the products in your widget in the member area will automatically change those products in your widget on your site.
- Performance reports are available for Widgets.