
Associate Spotlight: Gabby Schnaid Talks Tech, Talent, & Turning Over a New Leaf

Nov 19, 2021
Written by CJ

Senior Client Development Manager Gabby Schnaid is One to Watch—literally—as she recently took home the One to Watch award at the 2021 International Performance Marketing Awards. This award-winning Westlake-based CJ'er was kind enough to tell us a bit about the evolution of her career, a peek into her average day, and why TV comedies have the best role models.

Have you worked in any other departments at CJ besides the one you’re in now? If so, tell us more!

My first five years at CJ have all been on the Client Development team, however, I am transitioning into a new role as a CJ Product Manager! I have been passionate about learning marketing technologies like tracking for the past few years and am excited about this new chapter.



Describe your career trajectory. Where did you work before CJ and how did you come across the opportunity to work here?

CJ found me on LinkedIn when I was about to graduate from UCSB. I started at CJ as a Client Partnerships Associate and worked my way up to Sr. Client Development Manager over the years.


What does your average workday look like in your role?

My days vary, but typically consist of internal meetings and training with my team, calls with my client contacts, internal company stakeholder meetings, and lots of emails! I am always working on tech projects to help improve my client’s tracking and use of CJ products, as well as creating program focuses and targets to help my clients achieve their business goals. I regularly connect with my team and direct reports to help coach them through stretch projects and career growth conversations.


What’s your favorite part about your job/working at CJ?

The people! Some of my closest friends are CJ’ers! Being able to balance working hard with fun activities like happy hours, kickball games, and team-building events has kept me engaged for so long.


What’s the best advice you ever received?

Not something I have received personally but my favorite advice is from The Office: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky” – Michael Scott


Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career.

Being shortlisted and then winning the One to Watch award for the 2021 International Performance Marketing Awards!


Hardest lesson learned?

The importance of work-life balance and self-care during the pandemic.


Who’s your favorite pop culture icon, and why?

Ted Lasso! His fun and witty personality is contagious, and he has incredibly punny jokes!


On a Sunday morning at 11 am, we’d find you…

Taking my dog to puppy playdates or brunch with friends!


If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Burritos! They're delicious and there are so many options (breakfast, covered in sauce, etc.)


What three things can you not live without? Why?

  1. Coffee (I live on caffeine)
  2. Leggings (because WFH and workout comfort)
  3. Google Maps (I’m the worst at directions)

Congrats Gabby!

Topics: Awards, CJ Life,
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