
Associate Spotlight: Client Development Director Jason Codrington Wears All the Hats

Aug 28, 2020
Written by CJ

London-based Client Development Director, Jason Codrington, has only been with CJ for a little over a year and a half, but he's about to go down in history as the emcee of our first-ever digital CJU! We caught up with this affiliate industry pro to hear more about his passion for growth, his sweet role-model, and the thing he does daily for a grump-free life.

Describe your career trajectory. Where did you work before CJ and how did you come across the opportunity to work here?

I started my career in affiliate ten years ago at another affiliate network on their tech team integrating clients, before moving on to the Client Development team as an Account Executive and moving up the ranks as an Account Manager and Team Leader. After that, I worked at a different network for two years, heading up the EU management of a large sportswear account. I eventually found my way to Conversant, CJ Affiliate’s sister company, before landing at CJ.




What does an average workday look like in your role?

Planning the day’s priorities, making them clear to my team and stakeholders, and progressing strategic and commercial activities while collaborating with CJ staff all over the globe to drive progress for our clients and publishers.

My role, as I interpret it, is to map out the strategic direction of an account and set the vision of where my account POD should aim to be. My role heading up a large global enterprise account means understanding growth opportunities and driving them for the client.


What’s your favorite part about your job/working at CJ?

Empowering my team’s development and supporting their account management strategies and seeing the growth that results.


Wear multiple hats—network, client, publisher, and consumer to come to the best solutions for all.


What’s the best advice you ever received?

Take opportunities when they come! From an affiliate point of view: wear multiple hats—network, client, publisher, and consumer to come to the best solutions for all.


Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career

Helping—at least in some small way—the career development of those who've been on my teams.


Hardest lesson learned?

Anything can happen, so be prepared to diversify and change when the moment requires it.


Who is your role model, and why?

It may sound corny but it’s my mother—for working so hard, putting her children first, never being judgmental, and teaching us that we’re not better than anyone else, but no one is better than us, either!


What’s the last book or article you read that resonated with you?

Natives: Race & Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala. The book is a nuanced exploration of the complex interplay between race and class. Having a UK and London focus, many of the experiences Akala describes resonate and align with my own life experience.


Do you have any habits or routines that you’ve purposely built to maximize productivity for yourself?

I always try to exercise in the morning—even if it’s just for ten minutes and even if I have a hangover—it gets me in the right mindset and prevents me from being grumpy!


Thank you, Jason!

Topics: CJ Life,
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