
Expand Your Tracking onto the Big Screen with tvScientific

Jul 18, 2024
Written by CJ

Over 9M brands make up the digital marketplace. In sharp contrast, a mere 500 brands dominate 80% of the television advertising market.

But what if digital brands could use affiliate to capture purchases from TV ads? (Spoiler alert: they can!)

It’s time to get your foot in the door of Connected TV (CTV) with CJ’s new strategic partner, tvScientific! The first platform for CTV measurement and management, tvScientific combines the impact of TV with the performance of digital advertising—and they’re the only CTV partner working on a cost-per-action (CPA) model.


Tracking from TV to Purchase with tvScientific

TvScientific matches TV ad exposure to site visitation and outcomes. Their technology enables advertisers in affiliate to go beyond standard device tracking and capture an entirely new revenue stream.

Here’s how it works:

  • CTV Audience Targeting & Media Activation: Ad delivered to household CTV; IP identified and stored to exposure file.
  • Handheld Devices Identified: Exposure file appended with additional devices tied to household IPs.
  • Outcome Event: The ad-exposed consumer completes the desired advertiser action (site visit, purchase, download) on a smartphone, laptop, or tablet and tvScientific collects data on all outcome events in an outcome file.
  • Attribution: Attribution is identified by matching the IDs present on both the exposure file and outcome file. Data can be exported to a mobile measurement partner (MMP) via API for evaluation of the campaign vs other channels.
  • Reporting: CTV-exposed visitors are logged in Google Analytics as a pageview hit and labeled as CTV-influenced visitors for tracking.

tvScientific currently operates in the US and Canada, as well as Australia on a case-by-case basis. They’re connected with 95% of advertising-based video-on-demand (AVOD) streaming apps with 1:1 deals, providing unique access to curated inventory at a massive scale for all partners.


Connected TV Drives Results for Brands in Affiliate

CJ advertisers have already started taking advantage of this exciting opportunity! Here's an example of how a leading women’s fashion brand used Connected TV to drive incremental sales and reach new audiences:






Return on Ad
Spend (ROAS)



  Increase in AOV

Problem: The retail brand wanted to boost incremental sales and attract a younger audience. 

Solution: Collaborating with CJ and tvScientific, the brand launched a strategic 30-day CTV campaign targeting key demographics and leveraging premium content to reach new customers. 

Results: The campaign saw a ROAS of 11:1 resulting in 2,500+ purchases with a 6% increase in AOV (vs the brand’s overall average). A post-campaign study revealed a 56-70% increase in audience-specific website visits (the most significant measurement of CTV incrementality)—powerful results for an established brand. 

Next Steps: A follow-up campaign will focus on increasing frequency to find the optimal number that drives customer engagement while expanding brand awareness.


How to Partner with tvScientific via CJ

Looking to get started? The way you enable tvScientific will depend on your current CJ tracking integration:

  • Advertisers integrated with CJ’s Universal Tag can skip the traditional integration process (site tagging) for tvScientific. No development work is needed! CJ simply flips a switch on the backend.
  • Advertisers NOT integrated with CJ’s Universal Tag will need to embed tvScientific’s tag on their site(s).

Chat with your CJ team or Support today on how you can begin your partnership journey with tvScientific!


CJ is dedicated to enhancing our client’s performance marketing programs through innovative solutions. We’re thrilled to welcome tvScientific to the growing list of incredible tech and data partners that open the door to unlimited opportunity!

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