
More Advertisers Can Now Get Cross-Channel Insights Thanks to Channel Detection

Apr 2, 2024
Written by CJ

Introducing Channel Detection! This revolutionary enhancement to our Cross Channel Journey solution makes cross-channel insights instantly accessible to more CJ advertisers.

About a year ago, we announced the industry’s first on-demand Cross Channel Journey solution, powered by CJ’s Universal Tag. Cross Channel Journey (CCJ) is the holy grail of consumer behavioral insights, unveiling the full picture of converting and non-converting shopping journeys and measuring all touchpoints across all marketing channels.

This groundbreaking solution presents unparalleled customer insights, yet it came with a caveat—clients were required to pass the “Referring Channel” parameter directly within Universal Tag to unlock its full potential. So, if you weren’t passing this advanced integration parameter, you weren’t eligible for CCJ Insights. This requirement also eliminated advertisers integrated via one of CJ’s ecommerce plugins, even if that plugin leveraged Universal Tag.

CJ Channel Detection to the rescue! This new enhancement to Cross Channel Journey marks a paradigm shift in how we identify channel journeys, eliminating the need for client-passed parameters. Read on to find out how it works and what this means for you.


Empowering More Clients Through CJ Channel Detection

A seamless alternative to a client passing the “Referring Channel” parameter, CJ Channel Detection automatically identifies each channel journey using a special CJ-detected parameter. This powerful feature significantly expands advertisers’ capabilities without additional integration requirements. As a result, 1,200+ additional CJ advertisers can now leverage CJ’s Cross Channel Journey analysis!

What does this mean for you? If you’re integrated with CJ’s Universal Tag, you can harness the full power of Cross Channel Journey! Welcome to unprecedented customer behavioral insights that will lead to smarter strategies, smarter investments, and a clear path to growth.

Here are some of the key insights you’ve unlocked:

  • How much value does affiliate drive for advertisers?
  • What channel combinations help drive better KPIs?
  • Which publisher models contribute to purchase outcomes in other channels? What about the affiliate channel?
  • How does [Publisher X] impact [Channel A] and [Channel B]'s outcome?



Affiliate Amplifies Other Channels to Drive Better Outcomes

Because of Channel Detection, we can now share aggregated Cross Channel Journey insights from clients across our network who are integrated with Universal Tag.

Check out these exciting stats that showcase how affiliate positively impacts outcomes in other channels:


Affiliate Increases Journey Conversion Rates





Display Channel Solo Journey
Display + Paid Social Journey
Display + Affiliate Journey

While display is an effective channel for casting a wide net, it's common for brands to combine it with paid social ads to achieve repeat visibility with their target audience. Network data from CJ supports this strategy—when a customer engages with display and paid social channels on their journey, the conversion rate quadruples from 2% to 8%.

Ensuring consistent investment in both display and paid social is a smart strategy. But when we look at journeys where the customer touched both display and affiliate, the conversion rate skyrockets to 19.5%!

Affiliate Increases AOV





Solo Journey
Solo Journey
Social +
Affiliate Journey

Looking at all advertisers through Channel Detection, the AOV of consumers interacting with the email channel is $150. When consumers have social as the sole touchpoint in their path to purchase, their AOV lifts to $163.

However, the winning combination of the social and affiliate channels increases AOV to $263—a remarkable 61% increase showcasing the value of a multi-channel strategy.


Ready to get access to game-changing insights into the cross-channel journey? Check out CJ’s Cross Channel Journey analysis in your CJ account today!

Interested in upgrading your integration to get more insights? Reach out to your CJ team or contact us.


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